Spreadsheet to GrAF conversion

The section How to write a Parser/Writer for a new file format described how the general conversion mechanism works in Poio API, and how you can implement your own parser to convert a custom file format to a GrAF object. In this section we will continue with a more complex example based on annotations in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc. We will show how can export Excel data into a CSV file and discuss a CSV parser that we will finally use to convert the Excel annotations into GrAF-XML files.

The data in this section comes from real-world language documentation project about north-east caucasian languages. We will use several annotated texts in the language Hinuq. The Excel file was kindly provided by Diana Forker.

The data in Excel

The data in Excel consists of several “tiers” that were encoded as rows in an Excel worksheet. For each utterance of the original text there are eight rows in the Excel sheet. Here is a screenshot of Excel with that shows the first three utterances:


The first row, for example, contains a unique ID, while the second row consists of the tokenized utterance (“word” tier), with optional spaces between them. Row three and four contain an ID and an annotation for the so-called “clause unit”, a term stemming from the annotation framework GRAID (Grammatical Relations and Animacy in Discourse), developed by Geoffrey Haig and Stefan Schnell. The subsequent four rows contain GRAID annotations, custom annotations and translations based on the word tier.

In this case Diana was interested in the different word orders that were used in the Hinuq texts. Word order appear within the “clause units”, as those represent parts of utterances like main clauses and sub clauses. To analyze the word order now, the interesting units within the clause units are the participants and the verb. Participants of clauses are normally encoded regarding the syntactic/semantic role within the clause, Diana used the labels “S”, “A” and “P” that are widely used within general linguistics and language typology. The verbs have different tags like “v.tr”, “v.intr” or “v.aff”. All the interesting tags appear in row five in Excel. Because we are only interested in clause units and the tags that represent participant and verbs within each clause unit, our parser will only return informations from row three, four and five of each utterance. It should be easy enough to extend the parser to more rows later. The names that those three rows will be clause_id, clause_type and grammatical_relation, containing the IDs of the clause units, the type of the clauses (main or sub class) and the grammatical relations as discussed, respectively. These are the tiers that our parser will process and for which it will return the annotations from the Excel CSV file.

Export the data

The first step is to export the data from Excel to a CSV file. CSV files are much easier to read in with Python. Unfortunately, Microsoft Excel still has a big problem when it comes to export Unicode CSV files. In the case of the Hinuq data, Diana used a lot of different Unicode characters that we need to preserve when exporting. We thus used Open Office to export the data to a CSV file that uses a UTF-8 encoding. You can open your Excel file in Open Office, click on FileSave As and then choose Text CSV as file format. In the following dialog choose UTF-8 as encoding and the pipe symbol “|” as field seperator. We also chose an empty string as text seperator:


In the following steps we assume that the filename is Hinuq.csv and that the file was saved with those settings.

The implementation of the parser

The easiest way to implement a parser for Poio API is to sub-class from poioapi.io.graf.BaseParser as described in section How to write a Parser/Writer for a new file format. We have to implement six abstract methods so that the poioapi.io.graf.GrAFConverter class can then build a GrAF from the CSV data. The six methods are:

  • get_root_tiers() - Get the root tiers.
  • get_child_tiers_for_tier(tier) - Get the child tiers of a give tier.
  • get_annotations_for_tier(tier, annotation_parent) - Get the annotations on a given tier.
  • tier_has_regions(tier) - Check if the annotations on a given tier specify regions.
  • region_for_annotation(annotation) - Get the region for a given annotation.
  • get_primary_data() - Get the primary data that the annotations refer to.

First, we will implement the constructor of our new parser class ExcelParser. The constructor does most of the work in our class, as it is responsible to parse the CSV file and put all the interesting information in Python data structures. This is possible here, because the CSV file does not contain so much data and we can still store everything in memory. If your data is too big you may implement a more sophisticated method to stream the data while the converter is calling the methods. Our full constructor looks like this:

import csv
import codecs

import poioapi.io.graf
import poioapi.annotationgraph
import poioapi.data

class ExcelParser(poioapi.io.graf.BaseParser):

    def __init__(self, filepath):
        self.word_orders = dict()
        self.clauses = list()
        self.clause_types = dict()
        self.last_id = -1
        with codecs.open(filepath, "r", "utf-8") as csvfile:
            hinuq2 = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
            i = 0
            for row in hinuq2:
                if i == 2:
                    clause_ids = row
                elif i == 3:
                    clause_types = row
                elif i == 4:
                    grammatical_relations = row
                i += 1
                if i > 7:
                    # now parse
                    word_order = []
                    c_id = None
                    prev_c_id = None
                    for j, clause_id in enumerate(clause_ids):

                        # new clause
                        if clause_id != "":
                            # add word order to previous clause
                            if len(word_order) > 0:
                                self.word_orders[c_id] = word_order
                            word_order = []

                            # add new clause
                            c_id = self._next_id()
                            self.clause_types[c_id] = clause_types[j].strip()

                        grammatical_relation = grammatical_relations[j].strip()

                    if len(word_order) > 0:
                        self.word_orders[c_id] = word_order
                    i = 0

The important data structures here are the three properties self.clauses, self.clause_types and self.word_orders. The first is a list of IDs, while the latter two a dictionaries with the clause IDs as keys. The store the annotations (clause type and grammatical relations from row four and five of the Excel file) for each clause unit as values.

The six abstract methods of the base class are then easy to implement, we will just list them as a big block of code here:

def _next_id(self):
    self.last_id += 1
    return self.last_id

def get_root_tiers(self):
    return [poioapi.io.graf.Tier("clause_id")]

def get_child_tiers_for_tier(self, tier):
    if tier.name == "clause_id":
        return [poioapi.io.graf.Tier("grammatical_relation"),

    return None

def get_annotations_for_tier(self, tier, annotation_parent=None):
    if tier.name == "clause_id":
        return [poioapi.io.graf.Annotation(i, v)
            for i, v in enumerate(self.clauses)]

    elif tier.name == "clause_type":
        return [poioapi.io.graf.Annotation(
            self._next_id(), self.clause_types[annotation_parent.id])]

    elif tier.name == "grammatical_relation":
        return [poioapi.io.graf.Annotation(self._next_id(), v)
            for v in self.word_orders[annotation_parent.id]]

    return []

def tier_has_regions(self, tier):
    return False

def region_for_annotation(self, annotation):

def get_primary_data(self):

The tier hierarchy is simple, we have the root tier clause_id and two child tiers grammatical_relation and clause_type. The two methods get_root_tiers() and get_child_tiers_of_tier() implement this hierarchy. The next method get_annotations_for_tier() returns the contents of the different tiers as Annotation objects. We just have to make sure that all the IDs are unique, which is the responsibilty of the method _next_id(). The last three methods can stay empty, as there are no regions on any tier and did not access the primary data in the Excel file. Based on this parser class we can now write a simple converter for our type of CSV files, as demonstrated in the next section.

How to use the parser to convert to GrAF-XML

Next we want to implement a helper function that creates an AnnotationGraph object from an Excel file, which we will then use to analyze the word orders in the Hinuq texts. We can simply create a parser object from our new class ExcelParser and pass it to the poioapi.io.graf.GrAFConverter class. After parsing, we have access to the GrAF object and the tier hierarchy through the converter object. We need to copy these objects into the AnnotationGraph object to be ableto use some of the methods of the AnnotationGraph later when we analyze the word order. The full code of our helper method is:

def from_excel(filepath):
    ag = poioapi.annotationgraph.AnnotationGraph()
    parser = ExcelParser(filepath)
    converter = poioapi.io.graf.GrAFConverter(parser)
    ag.tier_hierarchies = converter.tier_hierarchies
    ag.structure_type_handler = poioapi.data.DataStructureType(
    ag.graf = converter.graf
    return ag

With this preparation we can now follow up with the analysis of word order in the Excel file. This analysis is part of a separate IPython notebook that you can view and download here:


The first block of code in the notebook loads a file helper/diana.py, which contains exactly the class ExcelParser and the helper function from_excel() from above. You can download the helper file here:
